
In the Netherlands, children may go to primary school from the age of 4. They are obliged to go to school between the age of 5 and 18. Children aged 13 and older usually go to a school for secondary education, for example preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo), senior general secondary education  (havo) or pre-university education (vwo).

You yourself must enrol your child at a school immediately on moving to the Netherlands.

Child care (0-4 years)

In many cultures it’s usual to have family members look after your child when you are unable to, for example when you’re at work. In the Netherlands child care is also often arranged with the help of:

  • Peuterspeelzaal (playgroup)
    A peuterspeelzaal is a school-type setting in which young children aged two or three can spend a few hours per week, supervised by one or two adults.
  • Kinderdagverblijf (day care)
    A kinderdagverblijf, or day-care centre, is for children from 0 to 4 years of age. Children leave the kinderdagverblijf when they go to primary school. It is intended for children whose parents are in paid employment or have other obligations. The parents themselves determine how often a child attends daycare.
  • Buitenschoolse opvang (out of school care)
    Buitenschoolse opvang, or BSO, is child care for children aged four to 13. BSO is available before, during and after school hours. BSOs also provide child care on inset days and during school holidays.

A list of all daycare en out of school care in Bernheze.

Primary school (4-12 years)

Children can start primary school when they turn four. This is what usually happens in the Netherlands. There are eight
year levels in primary school. Most parents look for a primary school for their child when the child is three years old.

Secondary education

After primary school, students go on to secondary school. There are several levels of secondary education: VMBO (lower secondary professional education), HAVO (higher general secondary education) and VWO (pre-university education).

A list of all primary and secondary schools in Bernheze